This project is focused on exploring how a single emotion or experience can be framed and reframed. The first half of the project is based on a particular question, “Can you tell me a really funny story?” The explorations that followed focused on the answer to this question and the states or forms that the answer lived in. The first state is the original telling, the second a memory or recollection, and the final state is a retelling. Still, portraits combined with text are visual representations of this first phase and the deconstructed audio waveforms visualize the memory phase.
The core of all these visual artifacts was the idea of happiness. In order to extend this project into new formats and to broaden the number of people the project interacts with. The ongoing parts of this project will be experiments that build up an archive of happiness. The meaning of the word, what it feels like, how it's expressed, how it's received, etc.
This project is a reflection of two goals I had coming out of 18 months of partial and full lockdown. The first is to create with other people. The second is to focus on happy topics.

October Stories 2021

256 Portraits