
Digital Collage BuilderExploration in JS eventListeners and JSON files

Digital Collage Builder

Exploration in JS eventListeners and JSON files

Today, tomorrow clockClock created to represent my personal interpretation of time

Today, tomorrow clock

Clock created to represent my personal interpretation of time

FlowerExploration in Java Script timed animations and digital breakpoints


Exploration in Java Script timed animations and digital breakpoints

Coded interaction inspired by the Oblique  Strategies Card “Towards the Insignificant”

Coded interaction inspired by the Oblique
Strategies Card “Towards the Insignificant”


Pulls weather data for New York City from an API and
generates an image based visualization

Digital Moire
Primary introduction to CSS. Note: optimum View Width 633 px

Exploring hover functions in Java script

Hover and Click
Exploring the combination of hover and click functions in Java Script

Exploring click and loop functions in Java Script

Ode to a Lemon
Primary introduction to html